Welcome to Vendor Self Service

Log in or register as a user to begin using Vendor Self Service

Welcome to City of Greenville Vendor Self Service—Where you can do business in good company!

VSS gives existing and potential vendors access to their information online. Contracted Vendors have the ability to view Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Payments at any time. All vendors have the option of providing company information, including commodities you provide to be included in the City’s database of firms.

Existing Vendors will need their vendor number and Federal ID# to complete their registration. If your Federal ID# does not match when entered, please send an email to AccountsPayable@greenvillenc.gov.

Utilize this Vendor Registration Guide to complete your registration. Should you need additional assistance, contact the Purchasing Division at 252-329-4664.

Minority and Women Business Enterprises The City has adopted a MWBE Plan to enhance our ability to do business with small, minority, and women-owned businesses. Vendor Registration will allow you to select your ownership status and to attach any certifications you may already have. If you are a MWBE and would like to learn more about the program, visit the MWBE Homepage.

Eligible Local Bidders The City has also adopted a local preference policy. If your business is located within the city limits or extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), select the appropriate Geographic code during your registration process. Please, be aware that inside city limits refers to the City of Greenville and not the city of your business if different then Greenville. To learn more, view the